All students from grades 6th through 12th grade are inviting to participate in Rayne’s youth ministry. It is rooted and grounded in God’s love and affirms a Christ-centered, Biblically based, and person-concerned approach. We seek to help youth recognize and accept God’s grace, discover their spiritual gifts, and grow in faith and in service to others.
Youth meet for Sunday School, weekly Wednesday night programs, and other special events. Each summer, the annual mission trip is a high point, and destinations have included the Bahamas, New Mexico, and Appalachia. Other activities have included nursing home visits with pets, prayer and praise services, dramas and musicals, Bible study, retreats, lock-ins, scavenger hunts, and volunteer work for Habitat for Humanity and Second Harvesters Food Bank. Each year, the youth lead the entire congregation in worship on Sunday a special morning, sharing their stories and songs of faith and memories of their mission trip.

Youth Mission Statement
“We believe we are called to live our lives as disciples for Christ. We aim to glorify God through worship and to nurture each other spiritually. As a Christian community we work to share God’s love with the world around us by spreading the Good News and through service to our neighbors.”
“Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity.”
1 Timothy 4:12