Children’s Ministry
Sunday School 9:45 – 10:45am (Age 3 – Grade 5)
Children ages 3 – Grade 3 use the Godly Play curriculum. The Godly Play© approach is based on Montessori principles and helps children explore their faith through story, wonder, and play.
Grades 4-5 use Colaborate by Sparkhouse to engage in conversation about God and what it means to follow Jesus as they dig into the Bible.
Nursery (Age 0 – 3)
Our infant and toddler nurseries are open throughout Sunday morning worship and Sunday School. Nursery care also is provided by reservation for all on-site meetings. Our trained nursery staff is a combination of adults and youth helpers who use Deep Blue for Toddlers and Twos to help our youngest learners through movement, songs, art activities, and more.
Children’s Message (All ages)
A special time is set apart toward the beginning of both worship services (8:45 and 11:00) for children to meet the pastor at the altar for a special message.
Children’s Church (Age 3 – Grade 3)
After the children’s message during the worship services, Children ages 3 – Grade 3 are invited to attend Children’s Church where the Godly Play curriculum is used to guide them through wonderful Bible Stories. The Godly Play© approach is based on Montessori principles and helps children explore their faith through story, wonder, and play.
Children’s Choir (Age 3-Grade 5)
Wednesday Family Night begins at 5:30 with a light meal followed by children’s choir and handbells, and studies for all adults and youth at 6 pm.
Elementary-aged children may participate in this important ministry in worship. Annual training is provided for those who will assist at the altar during the candle lighting, the offering, and Holy Communion.
Vacation Bible School
This is one of the high points of the year! Don’t miss this special summer event in the life of our church and its children.
Each spring, children in 5-6th grades may participate in Confirmation, which includes weekly classes using Sparkhouse curriculum as well as several additional events and activities. On Pentecost Sunday, those who are ready may be received as full members of the church.
Rayne Early Childhood Program
RECP is a NAEYC accredited preschool that strives for quality child care in a loving Christian environment.